It was only a matter of time...

DAME EDNA enters the browser wars !

This site best experienced with:

How can one honest housewife compete against Bill Gates and Netscape - and survive ?

And yet informed internet sources say she can't possibly lose.

No, she's not about to dump her source code for the pauper programmer community to debug.
In the spirit of Edna's megalomaniacal satirical streak, as you may have noticed, this nifty button is a devious
device created to lure intrepid internet surfers to the DAME EDNA EVERAGE homepage.

You are encouraged to steal this button! If you know how to edit HTML source, just rip the code from the source of this page
and paste it into your own list of comedy hotlinks. You'll also need the button "browser.gif" file itself,
which you can save to your system by right-clicking on it, then selecting "Save this Image as:". Thanks possums !


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